Yuri Ryazanov author of the Brandcounter
Education: physicist, Ural State University
For the first time, the author described the model of dividing consumers into free and branded in his book “Media Planning” 2002.
Brandcounter is a natural extension of the offline model to online

Yuri Ryazanov author of the Brandcounter

New reports Yandex Metrics

This is what the Visitors (DAU traffic) report looks like in the original version of Yandex.Metrica and Brandcounter:

  • Frameless graphs 50% of the screen
  • Interactive table 23% of the screen

Using the API to your Yandex Metrica counter data, new reports have been created:

  • Traffic of Free and Brand users
  • Conversions to brand
  • Users retention
  • User Cost LTV
  • Cost of your resource DCF

Alpha and Omega web analytics

The presence of a regular audience is the most valuable asset of the site (app)
Why, with comparable values of New users for competitive resources, their traffic can differ significantly?
None of the existing analytics systems answers this question.
Brandcounter using the Yandex Metrika API toolkit shows user retention parameters

The example of a simple model shows the algorithm for constructing Brancounter reports.
The Brandcounter methodology was able to be shown in figures thanks to a strong simplification of «users = consumers»

Brandcounter - LTV report

The method for estimating the cost of a site is revealed in detail. The main parameter of the model n0 — is the payback period of a unbranded asset. Initial data for calculating the cost of the site:
1. Web analytics system data on the share of regular audience revenue β and freq retention ω
2. The amount of annual revenue is saved in the user’s browser and is not transferred to the Brancounter

Method of assessing the cost of a website

Does your resource have a brand?

By «Brand» — hereinafter we will understand the presence of a resource with an accumulated permanent audience. You can rephrase the question:

– Does your resource have a regular (branded) audience?  
Does your resource have a brand?

Brand half-life

By analogy with the half-life of atoms, a similar indicator is introduced for the constant audience of your resource (brand).
What happens if you cut off the source of replenishment of a brand’s audience? (see fig.→)
Traffic from the brand will begin to age and die. Direct measurements show that the retention (aging) curve of a brand’s audience is well described by an exponential curve…

Half-life of a website (app) brand